Mask color: the color of the mask. It should be equal to the background behind Scroll Reading to achieve a nice effect.
Mask zIndex: the Mask should have a high z-index. Otherwise other elements at the layout could overlap the animation.
Text opacity: determines the opacity of the text when the mask is still on it and it hasn't be revealed yet.
Split type: determines how the title will be text: lines, words or chars.
Scroll Reading animation uses ScrollTrigger Library to fire on scroll. Learn more about ScrollTrigger here.
Start: determines the position of the Trigger to fire the animation. “top bottom” means when the top of the element hits the bottom of the viewport.
End: determines the end of the animation if needed. It is specially useful when using the Scrub property.
Scroller: the element that will act as the scrolling viewport. It is the body by default.
There are 3 groups available to style Scroll Reading: Margin, Padding and Typography. If you need to apply additional styles, you can do so at the Settings Tab.